Newest Entries: Fun with photographs! Two new guide pages for two cool sites! See gH GUIDE page! ...and set up a free search engine in less than one hour! See SEARCHING in our Participate! directory... ...and see our FLOATING MENU at right and access global weather conditions and earth science news...
IF your web page has PARTICIPATORY CONTENT that visitors can contribute to such as message boards, guest books, polls, photo albums, clubs, calendars, etc. you are invited to submit the URL to for consideration in our "Participate!" directory.
IF NOT consult the guide pages that we have begun building that can help you build and/or add personalizable participatory web content to your pages. See gH GUIDE
What is and why are we doing this...
What means to you about adding participation to your pages... and driving visitors to your participatory web page...
What does mean to others when it comes to finding a free personalizable and/or participatory web site...
How do we make money? Right now we don't unless you donate! We are testing the TRUE INTERNET MODEL - "If it is of worth people will support it." That "support" usually translates to scores of advertising banners... BUT "SUPPORT" TO US means a donation-based business model (crazy huh)...
What do those globes mean? We rank our guide entries by the globe... with four globes for outstanding... Please visit our guide to building personalizable (our new web word...) and/or participatory web resources and send us your comment for consideration and we'll add it to the guide page...
Join in,
Bernie Re
Founder's Note: I hope you will contribute your own pages that have participatory content on them... or let us know about cool sites that you participate at... so this won't be just a site of *my* favorite places... Founder's Diary