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Guide Page News Updated July 8, 2000

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You can create a personalized news and information center at Yodlee.

Yodlee Yodlee

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"Yodlee's based on the idea that you should be able to get at a central repository of your favorite Internet services with whatever electronic device is in front of you at that moment." (text from site)...



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Palm users can synchronize Downloads information onto their handheld devices... If this works send me a report...

An ok service...

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Your guide to orgainizing and using free web Your guide to orgainizing and using free web resources.

Mission:To facilitate participation between individuals, organizations and businesses on a global basis. Provide an online guide to news and information topics of global interest and to help you build, link to, organize, find - personalized and/or participatory pages, sites and home/office appliance control links. Making these online resources easier to find, personalize, participate with and manage thus making your time online more enjoyable, informative, interactive and productive - globally as well as locally. is owned and operated by Inter-Vitae, Inc.

©2000 Inter-Vitae, Inc.

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